Today, I saw him for the second time. The first time, I thought maybe it was one of those "did I really see that" moments. But sadly, I saw what I saw. More on that in a moment.
Ontario Police are saying they cannot believe the number of people they're nailing under the new "Street Racing" laws. I get a little queasy thinking that there are so many people who are sharing the road with me...no, that would be: who have no intention of sharing the road with anybody. 50km above the speed limit is bad on the 401. It's awful on the secondary highways. It's criminal on city streets.
The people who are getting popped, having their vehicles impounded for a week and face potential fines up to 10,000 bucks are lucky. Cops who I've spoken with would like the fines much higher, the punishment tougher and the margin (how much over the limit) much lower.
Police are also using the new law to hit people who race or do stupid stunts with their vehicles. Like the guy who got ticketed under the new law for popping an impressive, but idiotic wheeley on his motorcycle, in traffic!
The Ontario government is still contemplating similar laws to curb driver-cellphone-use, and some of the other mindless acts that they're witnessing on the road.
So when I saw Silver Grand Am with Headphones On guy coming up behind me in my rear view mirror...I got as far to the right side of the road as I could. Now on a bike, you have to understand that there isn't much right side of the road to get over to, as you're already at the limit. Our city has gone so far as to put 5 inch high concrete curbs along most of it's roadways (perhaps they made a deal long ago with LeFarge), that pretty well keep you in your tiny little bike allowance zone (also called referred to by local fisher persons and delivery persons as "parking"), with no hope of bailing out completely when Silver Grand Am with Headphones on guy comes screaming up behind you, passing all the traffic in that's in the "passing" lane and using about 1/3 of the bike lane.
Aside from the speeding, the overtaking traffic on the right, the driving in the bike lane (oh I forgot, we don't' have bike lanes, my bad) and the just plain lack of skills this person shows...HE'S WEARING FRIGGIN' FULL-EAR HEADPHONES!!! Does he hear horns beeping? No. Emergency vehicle sirens? No. His passenger's witty quotes and observations? What?
Yeah. This dink is driving (and I'm complementing him by saying "driving") with his full-ear headphones on, listening to who knows what kind of horrible crappy music at inner-ear numbing volume...while someone is in the car with him!
He isn't even going to hear the blood-curdling screams from his passenger when he finally drives them into a fiery wreck.
THAT is just not respectful.
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