What was I thinking?
Back when I first Googled (seems so long ago) I did what everyone else does, and swears they'd never do. You've done it, so stop lying that you haven't. It, of course is Googling oneself.
What a non-event that was. My name came up thanks to my company's website, and from about a million races I'd entered that published their results online.
Still...I came up on Google!
Did it again a couple of days ago, and whadya know, my name came up on the company website, and about ten million races I'd been in that published their results online. Then, there was one more. There's a blogger here in Kingston who calls himself the "Kingston Radio Insider." He says that he wants to start a dialogue that will help educate advertisers in an objective way so they can better understand what's "really" going on in the market. Fair enough. So I read further and found my new station 989 The Drive mentioned. He seemed to like what we were about to do on the air, and even mentioned me as the new morning host. Okay. Then I went a bit further to find him asking "...the Spring book will tell us if CTVglobemedia can put an old Kingston jock to grab the young male audience." So you know, the Spring Book is a ratings tool that all stations in the country use to gauge their audience and set advertising rates.
Old Kingston jock?
Kingston...yes. Jock...definitely. Old...kind of harsh don't you think? Eddie Vedder and I are the same age. Eddie Vedder can't be old! Yipes! If you're going to put me in a slot, why the hell would you choose old? I've spent my entire life getting told that I'm TOO YOUNG to do things which I want to do. NOW I'M OLD!
Call me too skinny. Make fun of my crazy hair. My squeaky voice. My inability to talk in a slick, formatted, focused manner.
Just don't call me OLD!
Here's a thought: Kingston Radio Blogger, how about you and I go for a little run together. Nothing more than five k's. I'll set the pace. Then we can see who feels old.
Gawd I hope you're not fast!
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